Blog and Research Digest — Week 30, 2020
Every week, the Digishare team prepare a digest of the previous 7 days of online retail news. Along the way, we’ll pick the most interesting stories from the worlds of technology, social media, marketing and more, allowing you to see everything at a glance.
Retail News and Trends
From turbocharged transformation strategies to the growth of mobile shopping: what the latest research says about the effect of Covid-19 on UK ecommerce
“We take a look at two recent reports, from Twilio and Salesforce, that highlight the new speed at which consumers are moving more of their shopping online, and behind the scenes, at which retailers and other industries are now approaching digital transformation.”
Mobile and social – along with international traffic – driving UK ecommerce growth–along-with-international-traffic–driving-uk-ecommerce-growth–21709
“Mobile retailing grew by 57% in the UK across the lockdown, with 13% of mobile-based sales now coming from social as shopper habits make a permanent shift in device and channel.”
Retail sales in Europe are rebounding
“In May, total retail trade jumped 17.8% in the Euro area of 19 countries compared to the month before, according to official statistics released last week.”
Amazon to reimpose limits on sellers as coronavirus cases surge throughout “most of the US”
“Despite Amazon largely returning to normal operations since then, the blistering spike in coronavirus cases across the US has forced Amazon to reinstate limits for sellers amid fears of a second lockdown could be imposed.”
Amazon will let businesses use its Twitch streaming tech for livestreams
“It’s called the Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS), and it will allow brands and corporations to provide a more personalized experience for their audiences compared to YouTube or Twitch livestreams.”
Augmented reality starts driving sales: AR product engagement increased mobile purchases at eBags
“There was a 112% increase in mobile conversions when users interacted with 3D-AR enabled products, the company says.”
Pandemic has seen consumers more conscious of their environmental impact – and they want retailers to be more green–and-they-want-retailers-to-be-more-green-21704
“More than a third of UK and Irish consumers are more aware of the environmental impact of their shopping habits, with 75% of them wanting retailers to use recycled and recyclable packaging as they continue to embrace ecommerce in the global pandemic.”
In Tough Times, Self-Aware Marketing Helps You Stand Out & Save Money
“Going meta—using your product to market itself—can be a clever way to draw attention, stretch your budget, and be disarmingly and refreshingly honest, all while still selling your product.”