Tell Us Your Amazon Content Woes

We’re curious, and want to know: how are you managing your Amazon content creation, product listing and publishing process? What part of it do you find the most painful?

We’ve spent years listening to global brands’ pain points, which range from:

  • ⌛️  Missing launch dates because of poor processes to capture set-up info
  • ????  Launching products with suboptimal content because getting it right the first time takes too long
  • ????  Not having anywhere to create and store retail-bound product content
  • ????  Product content that is designed for a brand website, not retail, and changing the feed is impossible

We could go on, but we know that these frustrations can be as varied as they are widespread. That’s why we’re always interested in hearing the challenges people have faced, and their plans to overcome them. We can always learn something new or, at the very least, help each other’s mental health by letting the other vent.

We would love to hear from you. Contact us at to start a chat about your experiences, and how we might be able to help.

Digishare now has full Amazon API integration for vendors looking to streamline their set-ups and optimise their product content, across all Amazon regions. Featuring workflow efficiency tools to make it easier to get your content created, translated, optimised, and published to Amazon, and any retailer connected to your syndication partners.

If you want to take the headache out of optimising and delivering your content to Amazon and beyond, drop us a line! At the very least, you might feel better for outpouring your content woes to someone who is keen to listen!


Now Available: Amazon Selling Partner API