Blog and Research Digest — Week 27, 2020
Every week, the Digishare team prepare a digest of the previous 7 days of online retail news. Along the way, we’ll pick the most interesting stories from the worlds of technology, social media, marketing and more, allowing you to see everything at a glance.
Retail News and Trends
Amazon launches ‘Counterfeit Crimes Unit’ in major crackdown of fraudulent sellers
“The new global multi-disciplinary team, which will be comprised of former federal prosecutors, data analysts and investigators, will focus primarily on preventative measures to stop products ever being listed on Amazon’s marketplace.”
618 proves to be a winning date for Alibaba,
“In fact, this year’s event saw $136.51 billion in sales and may reveal an economic recovery for China is in progress in the wake of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, according to a CNBC report.”
How Apple’s tweaks to iOS 14 could be a game changer for ecommerce apps
“According to analysis by app commerce company Poq, the updates Apple is planning to introduce will be a game-changer for retailers, making it easier for shoppers to find, use and interact with a retailer’s app.”
O2 offers the queuing, appointment and motion tools that helped it open its stores to all retailers
“Virtual queuing, staff scheduling and appointment booking technologies have proved so successful in allowing O2 to reopen its retail stores, that these solutions are being offered to a range of O2 customers including retailers, supermarkets, stadia and healthcare businesses.”
Lidl owner acquires marketplace to bolster online presence
“Schwarz Group said it would continue to operate the marketplace under its existing brand Kaufland with the goal of complementing its physical business. Kaufland has around 1300 branches across eight countries.”
Smartphones drive UK internet use to an all-time high: what does it mean for retailers?
“More than four fifths of consumer time spent online is now done on a smartphone – and that was before the coronavirus pandemic – and is causing a shift in consumer behaviour.”
Amazon Small Business Accelerator launches in the UK to help 200,000 retailers through pandemic
“Launched in partnership with small business support network Enterprise Nation, the initiative allows business to take an online ‘diagnostics test’ to determine which learning path would be most beneficial to their business.”
Create a Content Marketing Strategy in 3 Steps
“While we can’t offer a magic formula that guarantees success, we can identify the key practice the most-accomplished content marketers adopt: They document a content marketing strategy.”
8 Things to Know Before You Start a Research Project
“Original research projects are a fantastic way to build authority and demonstrate thought leadership.”
Guide: How to use podcasting in your content marketing campaign
“Georgi Todorov shares a comprehensive guide on podcast content which encompasses the benefits, SEO perks, types of podcast content, publishing and marketing platforms, and a lot more!”
Thoughts on how to ensure GDPR does not kill your marketing strategy
“The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was supposed to be a wake-up call for marketers to clean up their act. But how has this actually played out?”
Studying the anatomy of a successful high-conversion landing page
“Following a series of structural rules can help bump your landing page into the top 25% of those reaching conversion rates of 5.31% or higher.”
How to plan your social media strategy for any business
“Social media plays a vital role in any business growth. Whether it’s a B2B business or a B2C, know how to plan an effective social media strategy.”