Blog and Research Digest — Week 11, 2020
Every week, the Digishare team prepare a digest of the previous 7 days of online retail news. Along the way, we’ll pick the most interesting stories from the worlds of technology, social media, marketing and more, allowing you to see everything at a glance.
Retail News and Trends
Coronavirus round-up: the retail response to Covid-19
“We’re rounding up the latest on the coronavirus as we look to understand how the response to the disease is affecting the way shoppers buy – and how multichannel and ecommerce retailers can respond to that.”
Amazon stocks drop more than 10% as coronavirus fallout worsens
“The coronavirus’ fallout on businesses around the world is continuing to worsen while countries around the world scramble to contain its spread.”
How shoppers buy – the role of marketplaces and social platforms in retail: study–the-role-of-marketplaces-and-social-platforms-in-retail-study-21078
“Most shoppers now turn to Amazon first to buy – and often buy brands there they hadn’t heard of before, new analysis suggests.”
42% of consumers fear brands’ censorship of online reviews is endangering free speech…
“A study from Trustpilot, has revealed an alarming distrust among UK consumers when it comes to brands removing or censoring legitimate consumer reviews across the internet, with four-in-ten (42%) saying they are very concerned about their freedom of speech.”
… while 72% of consumers are calling for a new set of standards to combat fake reviews
“In light of Trustpilot sensing that consumers are getting edgy about the efficacy of reviews, research conducted by digital marketing company, Bazaarvoice Inc among more than 10,000 consumers across the US, UK, France, Germany and Australia, finds almost three quarters (72%) of consumers feel the retail sector needs a new set of standards to combat fake reviews.”
Coronavirus panic could spell the end for tech conventions
“There’s a reason this is happening now.”
Ethical Shopping
ASOS reduces CO2 per order by 30% in five years
“The emissions covered in the report relate to operations, which most notably excludes the manufacture of goods. The last financial year saw an 18% reduction in customer delivery emissions.”
Amazon’s A9 product ranking algorithm: Your guide to Amazon SEO for maximum visibility
“Here’s what you need to know about the factors that affect your product’s organic visibility on Amazon.”
2020 Google Search Survey: How Much Do Users Trust Their Search Results?
“While Google’s mission has always been to surface high-quality content, over the past few years the company has worked especially hard to ensure that its search results are also consistently accurate, credible, and trustworthy.”
TikTok vs. Snapchat
“TikTok is having a moment. Whether you use the app already or have spotted TikToks popping up on other social platforms, it’s clear that TikTok isn’t just another fleeting trend. It’s here to stay.”
What UK retailers can learn from China’s retailers in the face of coronavirus
“And yet this time around brands have more digital tools than ever before to reach customers at home. We take a look at what brands and retailers are doing and how UK retail can learn from them.”
Relatability: The First Step to Great Storytelling
“Over the next four weeks, I’m going to go in-depth on the four elements of great storytelling: relatability, novelty, fluency, and tension.”