& Affiliate Videos on the Product Page
For many customers, Amazon is not just a purchasing destination but also their first stop when researching a new product online. That’s not their only destination, however. In recent years the popularity of online video has grown, with influencers and content creators helping to push conversion with recommendations, reviews, unboxing, and demonstrations. Given that Google research shows that 55% of consumers now use videos for purchase decisions, it was only a matter of time before Amazon moved in on that territory.

When browsing the many products on, it’s likely you’ll eventually notice a section named “Videos”. Now, Amazon’s site has long had the ability to display videos from the brands on the page, along with user-uploaded video reviews. These are still present, but you might also notice video reviews and comparisons much as you might find on YouTube or other sites. Essentially Amazon is using an extension of its associate program to bring third-party content onto the detail page. Amazon’s explainer page states:
“What is the Onsite Associates Program?
The Onsite Associates Program is an extension of the Amazon Associates (affiliate) program, that brings product-related content from third-parties onto Amazon to help customers research and discover products they might be interested in.
Where does this content come from?
This content has been syndicated from content creators’ websites who have been invited to participate in this program.
Does Amazon validate or express the opinions made in the content?
No. The views and opinions expressed in the content are those of the content creator, not Amazon. Amazon does not influence which products are mentioned within the content. All opinions, recommendations and product claims are those of the content creator, not Amazon. If a vendor/seller believes content is inaccurate or unrepresentative of their brand, we would encourage the vendor/seller to engage directly with the content creator to address any concerns.”
Currently, it seems that both video content both directly related to the product in question, and “Videos for related products” are displayed. In the example shown above, it seems videos for competitor TV brands and models are being displayed on the detail page, which might not sit comfortably with several brands. Either way, given the key position Amazon already occupies in the product research journey, it’s all the more reason to ensure your affiliate and influencer marketer is utilising this new channel.